St. Ann’s Easter Bake Sale, Saturday, April 1, from 8 am-2 pm, with breakfast served from 8-11 am.
Items include: milk or white chocolate Easter Eggs (peanut butter, coconut, or chocolate crème with or without nuts); cookie trays, peanut butter balls in white or milk chocolate, galettes, wedding cookies and Easter Bread (with or without anise seed).
NO pre-orders will be accepted for Easter Bread. All other items can be pre-ordered by March 20 & picked up
at the sale on April 1.
The Social Hall will be open for purchase of Easter Bread and Easter Eggs from 10 am-2 pm on March 29, 30 & 31, as they are being made.
For more information, or to place an order, call one of the following: 304-841-1487, 304-592-2243, 304-677-0799, 304-203-8905, or 304-592-0665.